
This discipline is used to help regulate the central nervous system through gentle approaches and techniques unique to each individual.

As a first generational doc, Dr. Sowemimo, or Dr. Sow (Show) has been to many mission trips and seminars to help cultivate the fundamentals to provide her patients with gentle, compassionate, and effective care. Dr. Sow uses various techniques such as manual adjusting, flexion distraction, activator, craniosacral work, and many other practices to address individual needs directly. Additionally, each treatment is implemented with a set of therapeutic modalities such as physiotherapy and exercise, ultrasound and electrical stim, as well as massage therapy. We also focus on mental health, checking in with our patient’s emotional awareness and stability.

As a first generational doc, Dr. Sowemimo, or Dr. Sow (Show) has been to many mission trips and s... Read More

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